
All Care Physiotherapy

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(07) 3112 7700
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Have Your Headache Fixed at All Care Physiotherapy

 Headaches are a common symptom reported by our clients in our clinic. The common types are tension Headaches, migraines, and neck related Headaches (Cervicogenic headaches).


Do you suffer from cervicogenic headaches? 

A cervicogenic headache is a type of headache that arises from structures in the upper neck and refers to the head and face region. Cervicogenic headaches are relatively common amongst the general population and can be effectively treated by your All Care Physio. 

This type of headache is caused by dysfunction of the upper cervical joints and muscles which typically results in a headache.

A common cause of cervicogenic headaches includes any activities which place repetitive strain on the muscles and joints of the upper neck. These include prolonged poor posture (E.g. Desk workers) or performing repetitive lifting (Trades people)

Poor posture and movements of everyday life can also place excessive strain on some of the muscles and joints of the neck and over time these can become tight and dysfunctional leading to pain.


What are the symptoms of cervicogenic headaches 

  • Headache on one side which stems from the neck, and may travel into the back, side or front of the head
  • Associated neck pain either on one or both sides
  • Reduced range of motion of the neck
  • Headache often lasts more than 1 hour and up to a few days


How can All Care Physiotherapy help you overcome your cervicogenic headaches?

At All Care Physiotherapy, our goal is to get our patients out of pain fast so they can enjoy their day-to-day activities without pain getting in the way.

Our first aim is to understand where the pain is coming from by using a range of assessment techniques to find what the cause is and what the contributing factors are. We can establish a diagnosis of cervicogenic headaches, and the source of your headache from your neck as the cause.

We then implement a tailored treatment plan to address the cause of your neck related headache and apply our effective treatment plan. Our typical treatments involve:

  1. Manual Therapy: Physiotherapists can use various hands-on techniques, such as massage, joint mobilization, and soft tissue release, to reduce muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and alleviate pain in the cervical spine and surrounding muscles.
  2. Posture Correction: Poor posture is a common cause of cervicogenic headaches. Your All Care Physiotherapist can provide guidance and exercises to improve your posture, which can prevent future headaches.
  3. Taping to control your posture as we strengthen your muscles.
  4. Strengthening Exercises: Weak neck and upper back muscles can contribute to cervicogenic headaches. A physiotherapist can prescribe exercises to strengthen these muscles, enhancing stability and reducing strain on the cervical spine.
  5. Education: Physiotherapists can educate you on ergonomics and proper body mechanics to minimize the risk of recurring headaches. They may provide guidance on workplace ergonomics, sleeping positions, and daily activities that can affect your neck.
  6. Pain Management: Physiotherapists can teach pain management techniques, such as relaxation exercises and self-massage, to help you cope with headache symptoms.

Our aim with treatment of your neck related headache is to address the root causes of your headache to fix these for the long term and help you get on with a pain free life.

If you suffer headaches, then book an appointment today so we can help you overcome this condition with our specific All Care Headache Treatment Plan.

Call today on (07) 3112 7700 and All Care Physiotherapy looks forward to helping you.